Envisage, Night Terrors, and Dream Lucidity – Guest Post by Debbie Oliver

Envisage is a story about learning to deal with your own insecurities and fears. For years, I battled nightmares, but I didn’t understand how to get rid of them. We didn’t have the Internet when I was a child, so I didn’t know that what I had been dealing with had a name, several in fact. Night terrors, the hag phenomenon, and sleep paralysis are just a few of them.

Debbie OliverHow did I deal with this presence that would constantly chase me in my dreams? One day, out of the blue, I decided that I’d had enough and was no longer going to be a victim to these horrible fears. That’s when I learned how to change what was happening in my dreams. I remember very distinctly stopping dead in my tracks after being chased by something. I turned around to face it. When I did, all of the scenery changed, and I was in a totally different place. Realizing that I was awake in my dream, I noticed that I could move how I wanted and that I could also move things. When I woke up, I decided to write it down in my diary.

The next time that I started to have a nightmare I recalled my previous dream and remembered to play around a little and change things around. That is how I began to lucid dream.

hag phenomenon, flickr

hag phenomenon, flickr

As far as the sleep paralysis that I had dealt with since I was ten years old, I decided to try not to fight it as hard to see what happened. Again, it seemed to slow down the frequency to almost never having any incidents of it at all. After years of practice, I became pretty good at it, and I think writing in a dream journal helped a lot. It certainly stopped a lot of the sleep paralysis episodes because my mind became stronger, and I was able to bring myself out of them faster. Lately, I have had only a few occurrences of this that I can recall.

There are universities that study dream lucidity. In the early 1980s, Stephen LaBarge was the first to publish material regarding the existence of this phenomena, and he founded The Lucidity Institute. I feel like lucid dreaming is something that anyone can do. The more you practice it, the better you become.

EnvisageOf course, this book is fictional fantasy, and it goes into much more depth than is actually possible. But then again, anything is possible in a dream. I think the more that you relax and concentrate, the better you become. In a way, the possibilities are endless.

Book one is basically an introduction to the characters and Keely learning how to manipulate her newfound skills. However as the story continues, it will take a turn . It will take readers to another realm where her dreams and nightmares originate. Keely is indeed the secret to helping defeat more than her own personal inner insecurities, only she doesn’t realize it yet. The one person who is privy to this info is Professor Davis. But then, there may be more to the story than even he is aware of yet.

Amazon Link: Envisage: In Through the Mirror, Part One

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