Monkey Day & Other Unique Holidays

Will you save a mutt on National Mutt Day? Are you going to wear a monkey costume on Monkey Day? How many cats will you herd on Cat Herders Day? Do you have a mask to wear on Day of the Ninja? Is your salesperson going to get a huge thank-you on National Salesperson Day?

mutts, wikipedia

mutts, wikipedia

National Mutt Day – Pedigree dogs are beautiful, but so are mutts. I’ve owned many dogs, and all of them, except one, have been mutts. Usually mixed breed dogs are healthier, better behaved, and they live longer. Why not visit your local animal shelter and save a mutt from euthanasia to celebrate this  holiday on December 2?

Katie had always wanted a dog, so her parents went and picked one out for her from the pound. The little girl was disappointed; she hadn’t wanted just a mutt. She had longed for a purebred dog, so she ignored her new little friend. One day, even though the dog had been almost totally ignored by her, this dog saved Katie’s life and became her best friend. What happened?

common squirrel monkey, wikipedia

common squirrel monkey, wikipedia

Monkey Day – On this day, December 14 of every year, monkey business is encouraged. Dress up in costumes, have parties, act like a monkey, spend the day at the zoo visiting the monkeys. This is a day to bring attention to these primates and their place in the world, a day to see that this species is treated humanely.

Do you think monkeys can be trained? Create a character who trains these intelligent primates. Does he train them to help people and do other good things? Or does he train them to rob banks and people’s houses?

cats, pixabay

cats, pixabay

Cat Herders Day – Have you ever tried to herd a group of cats? It is a next-to-impossible task. December 15 isn’t a day to actually celebrate herding cats; it is a day for those who feel as though they have been tasked with things so impossible that getting them done would be like trying to herd a bunch of cats.

Cat Herders Day may not be about herding cats, but you can create a character who specializes in doing just that. Your character would be famous for his skill in herding these animals who definitely have a mind of their own. He is in constant demand and travels all over the world herding cats for those who can afford his services. But is that all he does? Is it possible that he is also a thief who steals from his clients? Could he be a spy for an enemy government?

tornado, wikipedia

tornado, wikipedia

Skywarn Recognition Day – Taking place on December 5, this day was started by the National Weather Service and the American Radio Relay League. It celebrates the ham radio operators who act as severe weather spotters and alert the weather service to phenomena such as hail, high winds, tornadoes, flash flooding, and snowfall.

Severe weather spotters give warning of dangerous weather. Create a character who does this, and write about some of his adventures in spotting hazardous weather. Write a story about how he manages to save the lives of those in his town.

ninja, wikimedia commons

ninja, wikimedia commons

Day of the Ninja – Day of the Ninja is also celebrated on December 5. A ninja is a member of a feudal Japanese society of mercenary agents. They are extremely stealthy and are experts in the martial arts. The work of a ninja includes espionage, sabotage, and assassination. And they are most active at night.

What if you character was a ninja today? What would you have him do? Or would it be a she? Who would hire his or her services?

miners, wikimedia commons

miners, wikimedia commons

Miner’s Day – Miner’s Day is celebrated on December 6. Raw materials that are needed for modern manufacturing are mined out of the earth by miners. These brave men have a hazardous job. They venture deep within the earth to retrieve these metallic ores. This day pays homage to the miner and the job he does.

Create a character who is a miner and have the mine he is in collapse on him and his fellow miners. The chances of rescue are slim, but your character figures out how to save them all. How?

salesperson at Best Buy demonstrating Apple iPad, wikimedia commons

salesperson at Best Buy demonstrating Apple iPad, wikimedia commons

National Salesperson Day – How would you like to be a salesperson during the Christmas rush? I know I wouldn’t. Salespeople are often underappreciated. but December 7 is the day to make sure they know how much you appreciate what they do. Their job is relatively easy when dealing with a polite human being, but face it, a lot of people just don’t know how to be nice anymore. This day is to honor and give thanks to the salesperson for all of his or her hard work, but why not do this every time you go shopping?

Your character is a salesperson who puts up with rude people on a daily basis. Then one day he has had enough and decides to put a stop to their rudeness. What does he do? What are the results?

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