Tag: Hero

Behold Darkness: Wolves of the Apocalypse (Unclean Evolution, Book 1) – a Review

Nathan is not having a good day. He’s on a business trip, but that’s not the bad thing. The bad thing is that the building he’s in is attacked by terrorists who are after him, and he, along with his attorney, must escape them. He doesn’t just want to escape them though. While most would…

Crowns of Silver & Ash: Book 1: The Seven Stars – a Review

Crowns of Silver & Ash: Book I: The Seven Stars is a fantasy lover’s dream book. Fantastic characters—some of them completely human, some not so human, and some magical—pull you into the story and make it hard to pull away from. Starting with the first sentence, the words flowed smoothly together as though they had…

Heroes, Victims, Survivors, Villains

Do you understand the definitions of hero, victim, survivor, and villain? When writing fiction, one needs to be aware of exactly what the definitions of these words are. Who is a hero? According to the dictionary, a hero is a man or woman of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his or her brave deeds…