Tag: Onyx Webb

The Power of Imagination

What is imagination? It is the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses. It is the ability of the mind to be creative. Can you imagine how boring life would be if not for the imagination? The Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books…

Onyx Webb: Book Six: Episodes 16, 17, & 18 – a Review

In episodes 16, 17, and 18 of the Onyx Webb series, family secrets are revealed as is the identity of a serial killer. People’s pasts are beginning to catch up with them and so are the terrible things they have done. The book opens with the introduction of a new character, Newt Drystad. An autistic…

Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz Interview – Serial Killers, a Ghost Detective, and Shadow Men

What was the motivation to make the character of Mika so unlikable? Was the creation of “The Leg Collector” inspired by a particular serial killer? Who are the shadow men? What was the inspiration for the book cover? Mika is a character I love to hate. Was her character based on someone you have been…

Onyx Webb: Book Five: Episodes 13, 14, & 15 – a Review

Book Five in the twisted saga of Onyx Webb leaves one wanting more. Each of the storylines sinks its teeth into your imagination a bit deeper. A crippled Stan Lee receives a large settlement for losing his legs. Sitting around bores him. Not only that, he has but one thing on his mind, and that…

Onyx Webb: Book Four: Episodes 10, 11, & 12 – a Review

Book Four in the twisted and mesmerizing story of Onyx Webb does not disappoint. Each of the many storylines becomes more interesting and surprising. Strange things happen when one is no longer with the living. Onyx Webb is put on trial for the murder of her husband. How is she supposed to appear in court…

Onyx Webb: Book Three: Episodes 7, 8, & 9 – a Review

Book three in the Onyx Webb series doesn’t slow down any. The history, the events, the characters and their actions—all keep progressing in such a way that it is impossible to disentangle oneself from their lives. Al Capone, Frank Sinatra, Sammie Davis Jr., and Walt Disney are some of the famous people in these three…

Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz Guest Post/Interview – Music, Historical Events, & Developing Characters

Do they really listen to music while they write? Why did they choose to include the Boston Molasses Flood of 1919? How did they go about developing the wide array of characters in the book? How do they manage to keep all the different storylines straight? Before each episode of your book, you named a…

Onyx Webb: Book Two: Episodes 4, 5, & 6 – a Review

The historical fiction, romance, horror, and mystery/detective stories of the Onyx Webb series are back. Once you start the series, reading these books will become an addiction that must be satisfied. The different storylines become more involved yet more connected. The base characters stay the same, but new characters are brought in along the way.…

Onyx Webb: Book One: Episodes 1, 2, & 3 – a Review

Historical fiction, romance, horror, and mystery/detective stories are found together in one book. Some of the stories have already linked together, and I have a feeling that before this series is over with, they will be connected in some way. I found this book to be fantastic and addictive. I will admit that the description…