Confusing Words from Charted to Cite

Would someone choose or chews a new car? Would one wear a coat when the weather is Chile, chili, chilli, or chilly? When you practice firing your gun, would you chute it or shoot it?

helicopter, wikipedia

helicopter, wikipedia

charted, chartered
If something has been charted, a course of action has been planned.
The captain charted his route before he left port.
Chartered means contracted.
She chartered a helicopter to fly her to where the earthquake had done the most damage.

chased, chaste
When you chase someone or something, you run after it. Chased is the past tense of chase.
Jilly chased the rolling ball down the hill.
Chaste means pure and virginal.
Stephen thought that all hope of meeting a chaste woman had vanished, but that was before he was introduced to Mina.

bookstore in Eugene, Oregon, wikimedia commons

bookstore in Eugene, Oregon, wikimedia commons

chews, choose
When one chews food, one grinds it up with his teeth. When one thinks long and hard about an issue, one chews it over in one’s mind.
Dorothea is so scared of choking when eating that she chews each bite of food for at least 5 minutes.
When you choose something, you pick it out from a number of different possibilities.
Anthony had so many books that sounded good to choose from, he spent hours deciding which one to buy.

chic, sheik, sheikh
When an item, particularly a clothing item, is chic, it is fashionable.
Her chic outfit was admired by the rest of her class.
sheik or sheikh is an Arab chief.
The sheik was at the center of the mystery.

chili con carne, wikimedia commons

chili con carne, wikimedia commons

Chile, chili, chilli, chilly
Chile is a country in South America.
Robert and Samantha bought plane tickets for their trip to Chile.
Chili is a spicy stew made with chili peppers, garlic, cumin, garlic, onions, and ground beef. A chili is also a hot pepper. And there are places where the stew and the hot pepper are spelled chilli.
Chili is one of our favorite meals during the fall and winter.
chilli is a hot pepper. It can also be spelled chili.
After you cut up a chilli, you need to wash your hands before you rub your eyes.
When the weather is chilly, it is cold enough to be just a bit unpleasant.
Because of the chilly weather, Katrina wore a jacket to the fall festival.

choir, chore, quire
choir is a group of singers.
During her freshman year in high school, Melissa joined the choir.
chore is a routine task or an unpleasant job.
Billy did not enjoy his chore of raking the grass.
Quire, an obsolete spelling of choir, is a set of 24 uniform sheets of paper.
It was necessary for Antonio to fill the quire with what he had learned in his history class.

G7alt chord, wikipedia

G7alt chord, wikipedia

chord, cord, cored
In music, a chord is three or more tones sounded at the same time.
Andrea was having trouble learning the keys to play for the G chord.
cord is a thin rope.
Jack tied the sticks together with a cord.

The core is the innermost, central part of something, so if an apple is cored, the center part of it is removed.
The cored apples were being used to make jam.

chute, shoot
chute is an inclined channel to convey products to a lower level.
The coal chute needed to be repaired.
When you shoot someone, you injure them with a bullet discharged from a gun.
Jeremy had been trained to shoot any intruders immediately.

sisal plant, pixabay

sisal plant, pixabay

cissel, sisal
Cissel is rye bread that has caraway seeds in it.
He ordered a roast beef on cissel.
Sisal is a large Mexican agave plant.
The stiff fibers taken from the leaves of the sisal plant are used to make rope.

cite, sight, site
Cite means to quote, to mention in support or proof of, to summon, or to call to mind.
The attorney will cite the constitution in her client’s defense.
Sight means a view or glimpse.
The distracted mouse was totally unaware that the cat had him in its sight and was preparing to pounce.

Appalachian Mountains, wikipedia

Appalachian Mountains, wikipedia

site is the position of a town or building. It is also the address of something on the internet. As a verb, it means to put in a position for operation.
The site of David’s business was in the heart of the Appalachians.
David’s grandfather taught him to site a rifle.


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