Confusing Words from Consonance to Correspondent

Do those in kindergarten learn their consonance or consonants? Is the flu contagious or contiguous? Would rebels stage a coo or a coup? Does an apple have a core or a corps?



consonance, consonants
Consonance is agreement. It is also harmony of sounds.
She longed for consonance and peace in her life.
Consonants are the letters that are not vowels.
The kindergarten class was learning the different sounds the consonants make.

consul, council, counsel
consul is a government official.
Margie was ecstatic when she was appointed as consul to the embassy.
council is an administrative body of people.
The city council ruled that the price residents paid for garbage collection would go up substantially.
Counsel is advice given to a person concerning their conduct.
Damien sought counsel before he made his decision whether or not to accept the job offer from the prestigious firm.

contiguous United States, wikipedia

contiguous United States, wikipedia

contagious, contiguous
If something is contagious, it spreads easily from one person to another.
The single laugh proved to be contagious, and soon everyone in the audience had doubled over in laughter.
Contiguous means near or adjoining. It also means adjacent in time.
The states of Kentucky and Tennessee are contiguous.

contemptible, contemptuous
Contemptible means despicable.
His contemptible behavior caused him to be banned from the library.
If someone is contemptuous, he is disrespectful.
She was suspended from school because of her increasingly contemptuous behavior.



contractual, contractural
If something is contractual, it is secured by a contract.
Their contractual agreement assured that both parties would be satisfied.
Contractural refers to a contracture, or a shortening of a muscle, tendon, or scar tissue.
The contractural pain proved to be so unbearable that she had to take some painkillers in order to function.

coo, coup
coo is a soft murmuring sound.
The mother began to coo gently to her distraught infant.
coup is a successful strategic move or a political uprising in which power changes hands.
The rebels staged an unsuccessful coup against their leader.



cookie, kookie
cookie is a small, sweet cake.
The toddler picked up all of his toys because he knew he would receive a cookie as a reward.
Kookie means eccentric, strange, or foolish.
Her kookie behavior made her the hit of the party.

core, corps
The core is the central, innermost part.
She fed the apple core to her goat.
corps is a group of people acting together.
The press corps hounded the celebrity mercilessly.

Press TV correspondent durng a demonstration in Madrid, wikipedia

Press TV correspondent durng a demonstration in Madrid, wikipedia

corespondent, correspondent
corespondent is the third party in a divorce proceeding. It is a joint defendant who is charged with adultery along with the respondent.
While Mary was attending law school she learned many new terms, one of which was corespondent.
correspondent is someone who communicates by writing letters. It is also a person employed by a news agency to gather the news.
The news agency downtown has an opening for a correspondent.

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