Confusing Words from Coalition to Commandeer

Does chicken noodle soup help get rid of coals or colds? Would you store your valuables in a coffer or in a cougher? Is a football game played in a coliseum or a Colosseum?

collation, wikimedia commons

collation, wikimedia commons

coalition, collation
coalition is a union or temporary alliance between persons, groups, factions, etc.
A coalition between the two teams was needed to settle the dispute.
collation is a light meal.
The two groups enjoyed a collation to celebrate their coalition.

coals, colds
Coals are black or dark-brown mineral substances used for fuel.
The heat produced by the coals warmed the entire room.
Colds are respiratory disorders characterized by sneezing, coughing, sore throat, etc.
Colds were being passed around from one person to another in the class.

Cokes, wikipedia

Cokes, wikipedia

coarse, course
If an item is rough or lacking in fineness, it is coarse.
The coarse fabric the sweater was made out of caused her skin to itch.
course is the route along which something moves.
The river’s course went through the middle of the field behind our house.

coax, Cokes
When you coax someone to do something, you persuade them to do it.
What will it take to coax you into helping me reorganize everything in the library?
Cokes is the plural of Coke, a popular soft drink.
Some people prefer to serve only Cokes at the party, while others want to serve a variety of soft drinks.

coffer, wikimedia commons

coffer, wikimedia commons

coffer, cougher
coffer is a box or chest, especially one to store valuables in.
The pirates had a coffer to put their treasure in.
cougher is one who coughs.
Chain-smoking turned Barry into a cougher.

coke, Coke
A shortened word for cocaine is coke.
The police raided the party and expected to bust many of those attending for possession of coke.
Coke, with a capital “C”, is a shortened way to say “Coca-Cola.”
The cooler was packed full of Coke.

Colosseum, wikipedia

Colosseum, wikipedia

coliseum, Colosseum
coliseum is a stadium.
The evening’s football game was to be played in the coliseum at Verity Middle School.
The Colosseum is an ancient amphitheater in Rome.
The slaves were thrown into the Colosseum one at a time to fight the angry lions.

kernels of corn, wikimedia commons

kernels of corn, wikimedia commons

colonel, kernel
colonel is a military officer. It is also an honorary title bestowed by some Southern states.
Kyle made such a high score on his GED that he was made a Kentucky colonel.
kernel is a seed, the central or most important part of anything.
Matt planted a single kernel of corn in his garden.

comity, committee
Comity is politeness or mutual civility.
Comity was abundant at the forced reunion of the feuding families, but the underlying hatred behind all of the kind words put a chill in the air.
committee is a group organized for a specific purpose.
The flower committee is in charge of floral decorations for the upcoming wedding.

Commander Chuck Nygaard, U.S. Navy, wikimedia commons

Commander Chuck Nygaard, U.S. Navy, wikimedia commons

commandeer, commander
Commandeer is a verb that means to force a person into active military service or other public service. It also means to seize private property for military or other public use.
The invading army plans to commandeer private property for their own use.
commander is the one in charge.
The commander of the invading army has ordered them to take no hostages.

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