Tag: children

The Halloween Children – a Review

Something eerie is going on at Stillbrook Apartments where Harris is the maintenance man. The bizarre and disturbing residents, screaming birds, strange noises and odors, an eerie abandoned unit—these all add up to make a chilling and oppressive atmosphere. I’m so glad that I don’t live there. This spooky tale is told by Harris and…

The Turn of the Screw: the Book & the Movie – a Review

A young governess travels to a secluded estate to care for two children.  She discovers, much to her horror that a couple of ghosts are hanging around, and these children are communicating with them.  The governess fears that these ghosts are evil and attempting to possess the children. The rather creepy children know about these…

How Fairy Tales Connect with People – Guest Post by Craig Staufenberg

The great thing about fairy tales? Anyone can connect with them. They’re highly accessible. The only price of admission is being human. There’s a reason we give fairy tales to children. It’s about all they can connect with. They haven’t yet been told how to “get” Sartre, or Barthes, or any other tricky-to-pronounce French author.…