Doomsday Picture Writing Prompts

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but it is up to the author to write those thousand words. (Richard Petracca)

volcanic explosion with lightning, wikipedia

volcanic explosion with lightning, wikipedia

Do you remember the rumor that the world would end on December 21, 2012? Did you believe everything would end on that specific date? No matter what you believed would happen, you can create stories that depict the end of life as we know it. Scam artists try to scare people and make a fast buck. Take advantage of situations like these and do something much more honest and fulfilling: write a story.

ice city by FeysalAnthonyNair,

ice city by FeysalAnthonyNair,

Do you believe the sky would be filled with lightning and that lava would erupt from every volcano? What about wind? I believe the wind would be tremendous. Maybe there would be thunderstorms, earthquakes, and tsunamis as well as volcanic eruptions. Would the entire world be ended by a catastrophic flood? Or do you believe the world will end by everything freezing?

simian sitting in tree, wikipedia

simian sitting in tree, wikipedia

Or do you believe that the end of the world would be a quiet and mundane event? Do you believe that people would be going about their life as usual, and then everyone would just cease to exist? What about other forms of life besides humans? Do you also believe that all plant and animal life would cease to exist as well?

nuclear explosion, wikipedia

nuclear explosion, wikipedia

What if there were survivors? How did they survive? Was it just luck? Or were those who survived protected from the ravages of nature by an ark? Or maybe it was an underground bunker. No matter what place they were while everything was being decimated, did they have it stocked with supplies just in case they made it through alive? Or will their survival now depend on whether or not they will be able to find enough food and water to keep them alive? What if your character is the only person left alive? Will he lose his mind because he has no one else to interact with? Will he be taken in by a pack of wild animals, perhaps a pack of wild wolves, that has also surprisingly survived the onslaught of nature?

What if your character is the only person left alive? Will he lose his mind because he has no one else to interact with? Will he be taken in by a pack of wild animals, perhaps a pack of wild wolves, that has also surprisingly survived the onslaught of nature?

What if the world is destroyed by nuclear war? What if the survivors flee in a spaceship because Earth is no longer habitable?

What if there was a lottery that would select winners to board an ark that would lift off into space to escape the end of the world? Would the winners feel guilty about leaving those they know and love behind? Parents would be separated from children, husbands would leave behind wives, lovers would be pulled apart, and friends would no longer be able to talk. But the world survives and the ark runs into problems. What happens? Do those aboard the ark survive?

girl writing,

girl writing,

Hopefully, something I’ve said will get you started on a great story. Do you have any more writing prompts or ideas for stories about the end of the world? Please share them if you do.

Amazon Link: The 100: Season 1

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