Confusing Words from Currant to Deer

Would you eat a currant pie or a current pie?  Would you see a cygnet or a signet on a lake?  Would you write about what happens each day in a dairy or in a diary?  Do dear or a deer live in the woods?

red currants, pixabay

red currants, pixabay

currant, current
A currant is a small, seedless grape or berry.
Sheila baked a currant pie.
Current means at the present time.
Marc keeps up with current events by watching the news each evening.

curser, cursor
A curser is one who curses.
The crotchety old man was a curser.
On your computer, a cursor is the moving symbol on your screen that indicates position.
The cursor began to move erratically across the screen.

cygnet, pixabay

cygnet, pixabay

cygnet, signet
A cygnet is a young swan.
The cygnet, alone in the middle of the lake, was calling for its mother.
A signet is an official seal.
The king signed the document and stamped it with his signet.

cymbal, symbol
A cymbal is a concave plate that when banged against another one of its kind makes a sharp, ringing sound.
Jonathan was the cymbal player for the marching band.
A symbol is an emblem, a token, or a sign used to represent something else.
The group had no idea what the meaning of the mysterious symbol could be.

diary, pixabay

diary, pixabay

dairy, diary
A dairy is an establishment, as a room, building, or buildings, where milk and cream are kept and butter and cheese are made.
Dairy products must be refrigerated.
A diary is a personal, private record of one’s thoughts, feelings, observations, etc.
The lawyer wanted to use the murder victim’s diary as evidence in the trial.

dam, damn
A dam is a barrier, especially one made out of earth, that will obstruct a river or other stream.
The family of beavers built a dam on the stream.
When you damn something or someone, you condemn or bring a curse upon them.
The critic’s scathing review will damn the play.

Grayson Lake and Dam, wikipedia

Grayson Lake and Dam, wikipedia

dammed, damned
If a body of water has been dammed, then it has been blocked and stopped from flowing.
Grayson Lake was dammed many years ago.
Damned means cursed.
Kelly felt as though life was damned.

davit, divot
A davit is a crane that is used to raise or lower cargo over the side of a ship.
Michael was learning how to operate a davit.
A divot is the piece of ground or soil that is knocked loose when a golfer hits the ball.
The divot flew through the air and it George’s opponent in the face.



days, daze
Days means more than one day.
In seven more days, we will be leaving for the beach.
Daze means to stun or shock, or to be in a state of bewilderment.
The following disclosure will daze you.

dear, deer
Dear means beloved, earnest, or expensive.
Her mother’s engagement ring was dear to her.
A deer is an animal that lives in the woods.
A family of deer has been attracted to our yard by the feeder we keep filled with corn.

confusing words,

confusing words,

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